Monday, September 27, 2010

CAMERA- ROLLING- ACTION! by sanur 2010

BRING YOUR PARENTS , FRIENDS, GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND, AND ALL YOUR RELATIVES TO COME AND JOIN UN IN SANTA URSULA EDUCATION FAIR !! The event will be held on Saturday, October 9th 2010 at 8am-4pm at SANTA URSULA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL , JL. POS NO 2 . More than 50 national and international universities will participate in this fair . Get as much information as you want about your favorite universities!! There are also FOOD STANDS and BANDS from other schools! So, come for both education and entertainment!!!




Friday, September 24, 2010


'is meaningless only if we allow it to be. Each of us has the power to give life meaning, to make our time and our bodies and our words into instruments of love and hope."

"Your life feels different on you, once you greet death and understand your heart's position. You wear your life like a garment from the mission bundle sale ever after -- lightly because you realize you never paid nothing for it, cherishing because you know you won't ever come by such a bargain again."

- Louise Erdrich

"The life I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place my touch will be felt."

- Frederick Buechner

life is unpredictable , there're a lot of unpredictable things which can color your life

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

black and white scene

without GOD
There the emptiness
so life is blurred

Sunday, September 19, 2010